i'm just a fish

6 min read3 days ago


oya, swim

- sorry, still busy

- maybe next tomorrow?

Story Engine: "I'm Just a Fish"
Overview:This story engine revolves around the metaphor of being "just a fish" in a vast and complex world. It explores themes of self-awareness, humility, existentialism, and how individuals navigate the feeling of insignificance in the grander scheme of life. The narrative can be light-hearted or deeply philosophical, depending on the tone. Central to the engine is the notion of characters who feel small or overwhelmed, yet learn to make peace with their place in the universe.

Key Components:
1. Protagonists:
The Fish (Finn): A character who feels small, unimportant, or powerless in their world. This character can be literal (a talking fish) or metaphorical (a person in a big, bustling city or a vast corporate system).
The Ocean (The World): The environment that dwarfs the protagonist. It represents the vast, unknown, and uncontrollable aspects of life—be it society, nature, or an inner emotional world.
The Giant Fish (Ambition): A symbolic representation of larger, more powerful forces that the protagonist compares themselves to. These could be actual creatures or characters who embody success, power, or confidence.

2. Setting:
Underwater Kingdom: The literal interpretation could take place in an oceanic world, where Finn, a small fish, swims among coral reefs, sunken ships, and larger sea creatures.
Urban Jungle: Alternatively, it can be a metaphorical setting—a big city, a corporate world, or a competitive industry where Finn feels lost in the crowd.
The Depths (Existential Realm): The story can shift to darker, introspective spaces where Finn grapples with existential thoughts. Here, vast, unknown, and mysterious forces play on their psyche.

3. Themes:
Self-Perception vs. Reality: The protagonist’s view of themselves as "just a fish" could be inaccurate. The story explores how we often underestimate our importance and capabilities.
Power in Simplicity: The engine highlights how being small or seemingly insignificant doesn’t equate to powerlessness. Even a small fish can change its environment in meaningful ways.
Humility and Acceptance: It examines the struggle of accepting one’s limitations and learning to embrace their small role in a bigger picture, finding peace in that acceptance.

4. Plot Arcs:
Identity Crisis: The protagonist wrestles with feelings of insignificance and lack of purpose. They are searching for meaning but are overwhelmed by the larger world around them.
Exploration of the Ocean (The World): The story takes the protagonist through various "depths" of life. They encounter larger fish or creatures, each representing something unattainable or mysterious.
The Realization: The protagonist eventually comes to understand that being "just a fish" doesn’t diminish their worth. Through either a heroic act, a subtle realization, or simply time, they find their place in the world.

Key Story Moments:
The First Glimpse of the Vast World:Finn swims out into the open sea for the first time (or metaphorically enters the "real world") and is overwhelmed by the sheer size and complexity of everything around them. They feel small and insignificant in comparison to the vastness of their environment.
Meeting the Giant Fish (or Authority Figure):Finn encounters a larger, more powerful character who represents ambition or success. This meeting amplifies Finn’s insecurities, making them feel even smaller. The giant fish could offer wisdom or serve as a foil, reinforcing the idea that not everyone is meant to be big and powerful.
A Moment of Crisis:Finn faces a dangerous situation—perhaps a predator, an environmental disaster, or a challenge in their personal world. This crisis forces them to confront their self-doubt and feelings of powerlessness.
The Epiphany:Finn’s realization comes after the crisis, where they understand that their size or perceived limitations don’t define their value. They discover their unique strengths—whether it’s cleverness, resilience, or kindness—and find peace with being "just a fish."

Character Profiles:
1. Finn (The Protagonist):
Finn is curious and introspective but constantly second-guessing their worth. Whether it’s because they’re a small fish in a big ocean or a newcomer to a large company, they feel out of place and overwhelmed.
Conflict: Finn struggles with feelings of inadequacy, thinking they are too small to make a difference.
Climactic Moment: Finn discovers that their role, however small, has a profound impact on those around them.

2. The Giant Fish (Ambition):
A larger, powerful character who serves as a contrast to Finn. They represent success, power, and the larger forces in life that Finn feels overshadowed by.
Conflict: The Giant Fish might offer Finn the temptation of "bigness," showing that there’s more to life than just being small.
Climactic Moment: In a conversation or confrontation, Finn realizes that being small is not synonymous with being weak or irrelevant.

3. The Current (External Forces):
Representing the uncontrollable aspects of life, the Current serves as a narrative device that pushes Finn in various directions, metaphorically or literally. The Current could be a rival, a challenge, or just life’s unpredictability.
Conflict: Finn constantly struggles against the Current, trying to swim in their own direction while feeling powerless to change their course.
Climactic Moment: In the end, Finn learns to ride the Current, using its power to their advantage instead of fighting against it.

Thematic Layers:
Finding Power in Smallness:The story emphasizes that you don’t need to be big or grand to make a difference. It’s about understanding that sometimes, subtle influences or small actions ripple out and create larger changes.
Peace with Imperfection:"I'm Just a Fish" speaks to the human experience of feeling inadequate or ordinary. Finn’s journey highlights the beauty of acceptance—of finding peace in one's smallness while realizing that everyone plays a role, no matter their size.
Existentialism:On a deeper level, the engine dives into existential themes. Finn’s internal monologue can mirror the human search for meaning in a world that often feels overwhelming, chaotic, and indifferent.

Storyline Examples:
1. Act 1 - The Small Fish in the Big Sea:
Introduction: Finn lives a quiet life in a small corner of the ocean. One day, they venture out into the open sea, filled with excitement and wonder. However, they soon realize just how insignificant they seem in this vast, expansive world.
Conflict: Finn starts to feel lost, overwhelmed by the sheer size of the world around them and begins to doubt their worth.

2. Act 2 - The Giant Fish and the Current:
Crisis: Finn meets the Giant Fish, who mocks them for their small size. They also struggle against a powerful Current, constantly being swept off course as they try to find their way.
Struggle: Finn faces a moment of crisis when the Current sweeps them into dangerous waters, where they are forced to rely on their instincts and smallness to survive.

3. Act 3 - The Realization:
Resolution: Finn learns that their smallness allows them to navigate tight spaces, avoid predators, and help other small creatures. They discover that their size is not a weakness but a strength in its own way. Finn embraces their role in the ecosystem, finding purpose in their small yet significant existence.

Potential Outcomes:
Heroic Victory:Finn uses their unique skills to help others, perhaps saving a school of fish from danger or solving a problem that the larger fish could not. Their self-acceptance becomes a source of strength.
Philosophical Acceptance:Finn may not achieve a grand victory but finds inner peace. The story ends with Finn content in their smallness, knowing they have a place in the vast, interconnected world.
A Subtle Impact:In a more nuanced ending, Finn doesn’t change the world, but their journey inspires others to embrace their own roles, creating a ripple effect of quiet strength and acceptance.

Core Message:
"I'm Just a Fish" is a story engine that reminds us of the beauty in simplicity and the power in embracing who we are. It teaches that even when we feel small and insignificant, we still hold the capacity to make a difference in our own unique way. The story explores themes of humility, self-worth, and finding peace within ourselves, even in a world that feels overwhelmingly large.

