do you and tinubu gist?

4 min read1 day ago


shehu shagari

-- do you and him still talk?

Story Engine: "Do You and Tinubu Gist?"

This story engine revolves around the idea of powerful political figures and their personal relationships, exploring how individuals navigate complex dynamics within the realms of power, influence, and personal connections. It takes place in a fictionalized version of contemporary Nigeria, where political intrigue, casual conversations, and personal alliances intertwine. The story focuses on the interaction between ordinary citizens and powerful leaders like the fictionalized version of Bola Tinubu, whose presence and decisions affect the lives of many.
Key Themes:
Power and Influence: The story delves into the personal side of political power, examining how casual relationships can shape major decisions.
Casual Conversations in High Places: It explores the contrast between the formal nature of politics and the informal, off-the-record conversations that shape political landscapes.
Social Hierarchy and Connection: The narrative questions how ordinary people perceive and interact with those in power, focusing on the gossip and informal networks that influence politics.
Fictionalized Leadership: While using familiar names like Tinubu, the story focuses on universal themes of leadership, personal ambition, and the unseen side of politics.

Narrative Elements:
1. Core Plot:
The protagonist is a journalist, aide, or ordinary citizen who has managed to build a personal connection with Tinubu, one of the most influential political figures in Nigeria.
The story unfolds through a series of informal conversations—casual gists—between the protagonist and Tinubu, where they discuss everything from politics and power to personal anecdotes, dreams, and regrets.
As these gists deepen, the protagonist finds themselves caught in the web of power, where their personal opinions and suggestions start shaping policy, inadvertently influencing the political future of the nation.

2. Nodes and Objects:
The Gist Sessions: These are informal chats, typically over drinks, in private spaces. These conversations are the backbone of the story engine, where key plot developments emerge through casual dialogue.
Political Rumor Mill: Every conversation with Tinubu leads to rumors spreading among political circles, shaping public perception and giving the protagonist unintended influence.
Coded Language: Both characters use coded language to discuss sensitive political matters, blending humor and metaphor into their conversations.
The Decision Room: Occasionally, casual gists evolve into serious decisions that are made on the spot, showing how easily personal interactions can change the course of national policy.

3. Subplots:
Ambition vs. Loyalty: The protagonist must navigate their loyalty to Tinubu while considering their own ambitions. As they gain more influence, they question whether they should remain in the background or step into the political arena.
Tinubu’s Inner Circle: Other members of Tinubu’s team and inner circle view the protagonist with suspicion, seeing them as an outsider whose influence could jeopardize the established order.
The People’s Perception: The public is divided—some see the protagonist as a trusted advisor and friend to Tinubu, while others see them as a mere pawn in the grand scheme of Nigerian politics.
Ethical Dilemmas: The protagonist is frequently faced with moral questions—should they speak up when they disagree with Tinubu, or do they go along with his decisions to maintain their influence?

4. Event Generation:
The First Gist: The protagonist is introduced to Tinubu at a private gathering. Their initial conversation is lighthearted, but a small comment from the protagonist unexpectedly resonates with Tinubu, sparking a deeper connection.
The Crisis Call: Late one night, Tinubu calls the protagonist for an informal chat, but the conversation quickly turns to a national crisis. Tinubu asks for the protagonist’s thoughts, knowing their advice could shape his response.
Political Gossip: A harmless gist about a rival politician spreads like wildfire, leading to unintended consequences that shift the political balance.
The Breaking Point: In one conversation, the protagonist realizes that they can no longer remain neutral, leading to a heated debate with Tinubu about the direction of the country.

5. Character Roles:
The Protagonist: A politically savvy individual with no formal power, who slowly gains influence through their personal relationship with Tinubu. They are sharp, witty, and often caught between their personal morals and the pull of political power.
Tinubu: A fictionalized version of the influential Nigerian political figure. He is charismatic, shrewd, and unpredictable, often mixing humor with serious decisions. Tinubu values personal relationships but is always thinking about the bigger picture.
The Rival: A political figure who distrusts the protagonist’s influence and tries to drive a wedge between them and Tinubu.
The Media: A group of journalists or social commentators who constantly analyze and misinterpret the relationship between the protagonist and Tinubu, turning every conversation into a political statement.

6. Evolution:
The relationship between the protagonist and Tinubu evolves from casual gists to a mentor-mentee dynamic. Over time, the protagonist starts to realize the weight of their words, as every casual comment they make influences Tinubu’s political decisions.
As they gain more influence, the protagonist must decide whether they want to continue serving as Tinubu’s confidante or step into the political spotlight themselves.

Example Content Generation:
Starting Input: "They sat at the small wooden table, the sound of Lagos nightlife buzzing in the background. Tinubu leaned in, his voice low but amused. 'So, tell me, what do you think of the opposition’s latest move?'"
Output Event: "The protagonist hesitated, knowing that their next words might spread across political circles by morning. 'I think they’re bluffing,' they said carefully. Tinubu smiled, tapping the table. 'I knew I could count on you for the real gist.'"

"Do You and Tinubu Gist?" is a story engine designed to explore the hidden dynamics of power through personal relationships. It provides an intricate look at how casual conversations and personal connections can shape the direction of a nation. Through the informal yet impactful gists, the protagonist must navigate the delicate balance between friendship and influence, between casual comments and life-altering decisions.

